December 2016

December begins | Personalised Marketing Services

By |2016-12-01T22:00:15+00:00December 1st, 2016|Company News, New clients|

The month of November has been incredibly busy for our marketing agency. We have seen a large increase in new campaigns for the Christmas season and several of our clients investing in personalised merchandising to reinforce campaigns and brand positioning. Campaign personalisation and audience relevance have been hot topics of discussion in the office. We [...]

November 2016

Integrated Marketing for the Connected World

By |2016-11-16T19:09:03+00:00November 16th, 2016|Knowledge|

With digital transformation now at the top of many boardroom agendas we wanted to evidence how integrated marketing can deliver in this increasingly connected world. With many of our core services now provided over the internet, such as banking, we wanted to demonstrate why our marketing approach delivers in the connected world. Customers are now [...]

September 2016

5 Key Reasons to Develop an Effective Marketing Campaign with deVilliers Communications

By |2016-10-18T16:29:34+01:00September 24th, 2016|Knowledge|

The main aim of a marketing campaign is to help a business flourish and develop as a brand; a marketing campaign therefore must use various marketing channels including TV, radio, print, digital and social media to communicate its brand and concept to its consumer/target market. As a marketing agency, we will help your business create [...]

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