Our Insights 

We have created a knowledge hub to provide useful information on the marketing and sales industries to help give people and brands valuable information on reaching their goals.

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Marketing and sales are key to the long term health of any business, with so many new marketing techniques becoming available we wanted to share our knowledge. The importance of effective marketing services are key to developing your business and brand.

We also wanted to share more general information about new trends along with what to consider when setting up a business. With the economies around the world experiencing significant growth in new business creation we thought our knowledge hub would provide valuable information for the next generation of business people.


Our latest insight:

Once you have set your company up at Companies House and have purchased your domain name to begin your businesses journey the need for effective marketing begins. Read our Top 10 marketing tips to get your business off to a flying start.

Our Top 10 Tips for setting up a new business with Marketing in Mind

Make sure your business and brand constantly evolves with your target audience, with the digital generation leading to many new competitors and faster changes to customer behaviour, the need to constantly refresh your marketing and propositions has never been greater.

Read on here : When did you last revamp your brand and proposition?

Have you considered a new video to demonstrate your new proposition or brand messaging?


Our tips for a great video are here: 6 Keys to Creating a Great Corporate Video

For our insight into what TV can do for your brand visit : Reaching Millions of new customers with TV and Social Media

What does integrated marketing mean and why is important?

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Marketing now needs to be very clear and concise as their are so many businesses communicating about their propositions. So what does integrated mean? Well, quite simply it means that all marketing services such as online marketing, online advertising, PR, and offline services such as print and outdoor advertising/events all have a consistent theme/ethos behind their delivery. As a communications agency, we often create a campaign concept that captures the brand values and business objectives and then make sure it is delivered consistently across all our marketing activities. From a social media to TV, it all has to create a story and theme that your target audience can identify with and find engaging.

The reason why this is so important is that if things aren’t consistent then the message can become diluted and mixed messages can create confusion about your brand and business offering. Nowadays, marketing is about less jargon and more simplicity and consistency, in an ever greater online marketplace.

Reaping the Benefits of Marketing and Sales Alignment

How to segment a market | target audience understanding


Understanding your market is absolutely fundamental to successful marketing campaigns.

Read on here : How to segment your market | Target audience understanding

Understanding buyer behaviour within your marketplace is key, read on here to learn more about this key area: Why Understanding Buyer behaviour is key to effective marketing campaigns

Importantly, to achieve your goals you need a communication partner and not a supplier. Read on here why we are different : Why our Marketing Agency is a Partner to your business

Why You Need Internal Communications to Boost Your Brand

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Whilst communicating to your customers is key we also believe in strong internal communications to your people to inspire them through high quality communications. Read on here : https://devillierscommunications.com/need-internal-communications-boost-brand/

Marketing for mobile devices such as iPads and smartphones

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Almost half of all online retail sales are now done on a mobile device, according to IMRG -Capgemini.

This presents businesses across the UK with many challenges to make sure their existing businesses and services are optimised for people working on the move using devices such as iPads and smartphones. With mobile providers such as EE, O2, Vodafone offering much greater mobile broadband speeds with 4G and the onset of 5G, the ability for people to use websites and online customer service on mobile devices has never been greater.

By making sure your website is mobile friendly it will help your business capture additional revenue and brand equity from this growing online marketplace.

Websites and how to make sure they perform

How do you know if your website is mobile friendly?

The easiest way is to get a mobile or iPad and visit your website, if it is doesn’t fit to your screen neatly with all the text within the screen, your site is not optimised for mobile use. This really makes it difficult for visitors on the move to look at your services and information within your website. Another downside is that Google’s search engine rankings rate sites that are mobile friendly more favourably which means your search engine results are not optimised.

With more and more smartphones from the likes of Apple, Samsung being used by more and more users around the world the importance of creating websites, mobile applications and digital marketing that is easily accessible on a mobile device is now key to your marketing fundamentals.

What makes a great website?

We believe that a great website is one that is ease to understand the services offered and gives a create view of the brand in a simple and effective way. One consistent aspect of great websites is consistent branding and layout consistency throughout the site. This gives new users the ability to find the information and services they are looking for in a quick and effective manner. Sites that are mobile friendly and have a clear ordering of information are now key to helping new visitors navigate. We also believe that video within your sites is an excellent way to put your services forward in a clear fashion. This also gives you options for sharing within social media to help create your brand identity further.

One aspect we encourage our clients to do is to have a people section within their website to show people the team and the roles they play within the business. We suggest some good quality photography to bring the team to life or some creative illustrations of the people along with their personal career and life experiences. We encourage our clients to invest in high quality imagery to go on their websites to really give a strong vision of the business. We also believe that understanding your visitors and what they like is key. Investing in time to understand Google Analytics which is very simple to set up will mean you can track your website visitors and begin to improve your site based on how much time your visitors spend on the site and how they navigate.

Digital Marketing | What does this mean these days


Time for some clarity here as Digital PR and Digital marketing are hot topics in the marketing industry. So what is digital marketing?

Read here to discover more : What is Digital Marketing and Digital PR?

Making sense of social media and online marketing opportunities


The online marketing world is dramatically developing with the onset on many more social media platforms to share information around the world. Essentially, these are login based online networks of people who can connect to each other and share information, video and photos.

Read on here : Making Sense of Social Media and Online Marketing Opportunities


Read on here on how to take an 80/20 rule to your Social Media : Why Social Media needs to be treated with the 80/20 rule

What can print and outdoor advertising do for your marketing?

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There is no doubt that digital advertising and online marketing is growing rapidly around the world with emerging economies rapidly developing their mobile and broadband networks, however, print and outdoor advertising still provide marketeers with a great way of communicating their brand values and marketing messages to people around the world.

Read on here : What does integrated marketing mean and what can print and outdoor advertising do for your marketing?


A career in Marketing | Our view

Marketing and sales provides a very exciting career for people of all ages.

Read on to get our insights : Are you considering a career in Sales and Marketing | Our insights

With so many institutions offering high quality training in many aspects of marketing we thorough recommend the industry for an interesting and fulfilling career.

The Chartered Institution of Marketing (CIM) provides an industry qualification and many of the colleges and universities offer business degrees containing marketing modules.

A career in Sales | Our view


We thoroughly recommend a career in sales. Please visit our articles to inspire you and help your business grow.

Are you considering a career in Sales and Marketing | Our insight

10 Key Strategies for Successful Business Development

We also believe in offering apprenticeships and internships to help shape our marketing agency in an effective way, we believe they can add a tremendous amount to you business.


Why Interns and apprentices are key to a healthy business